David Mcleod

David Mcleod works mostly with 3D art, illustrations, and text. His textures and materials are incredibly tangible-appearing. He notably uses Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects.

This piece stood out to me because of all the different textures: the fuzzy orange ball, the rubbery yellow one, the oozy blue with water droplets, the green slimy mass, the clear solid crystals, and lastly the steam rising from it all. All of the details make me want to look even closer and wonder how this isn’t a photograph.

This commission shows Mcleod’s mix of 3D rendering and text. The purposeful rounded of the objects make it look like it’s a picture of miniature objects. The light reflections and texture of the trees once again make this hard to believe it’s not a photograph.

This last work is from Mcleod’s instagram, where he posts more videos (at least recently). It was a collaborative piece so I’m unsure how much he contributed. Like his other works, however, I like the physicality of this piece, along with the movement and transformation of the letters.